The Rev. Tom Gaulke

Tom Gaulke

  • Interim Campus Pastor
Email Address:
Office location:
Center for Faith and Spirituality


After growing up in the Milwaukee area, Pastor Tom Gaulke served as a pastor, campus pastor, community leader, and theology instructor in Chicagoland, where he lived for 20 years. He recently moved back to Wisconsin with his spouse, daughter, and dog and is happy to be the campus pastor to the Carthage community for the 2023-24 school year.


  • M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D. — Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
  • B.A. in Religious Studies — Carroll College, Waukesha, WI

Main responsibilities at Carthage

Pastor Tom works with the Center for Faith and Spirituality to engage students on their spiritual journeys here at Carthage.

Favorite thing about working at Carthage

“The courage and curiosity that students bring to questions of faith and religion.”

Other interests?

“Writing, motorcycling, hiking, music, and spending time with my family.”