The key to the success of the programs run by the Center for Faith and Spirituality is the leadership of our student staff. Members are paid to work 2-4 hours per week to support our programming. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Debbie Clark at

Service and Random acts of kindness Community Builders

CFS staff partner with other student organizations to bring random acts of kindness across campus. Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, holidays, special days, or just because — changing the campus one kind act at a time. Team members also coordinate service projects throughout the academic year. These may  include a Red Cross Blood drive in fall and spring, along with winter and end-of-the-year food drives for local food pantries. Information on other events can be found all around campus and on The Bridge and The Harbor.

Roman Catholic Community Builders

These students work with local priests to plan Sunday Mass. Students help set up and clean up after Mass. They also work with the Catholics @ Carthage organization to coordinate and promote service and fellowship events.

Interfaith Lunch Community Builders

These students coordinate all aspects of our weekly Thursday Interfaith Lunch where students, faculty, and staff all share personal stories and experiences about different faiths and faith traditions.  

SPIRIT Worship Coordinators

The SPIRIT team coordinates this weekly program that welcomes students, faculty, and staff to lead conversations around faith, belief, and purpose.    

Sunday Mass Coordinators and Musicians

Sunday mass happens each week at 7:30 p.m. in A. F. Siebert Chapel. Student staff work with a student music director to provide weekly music.

on purpose Community Builders  

Who am I at this stage of my life? How is that different from who I have been and who I hope to be?   The On Purpose series helps students to think about some of these big life questions. A new reflection series is available to students in fall, J-Term and the spring. Reflections are sent through a daily email.  Students can also choose to attend a weekly small group to meet other students and go deeper. Through self-reflection, intentional thinking and conversations, and opportunities to take action, students grow into their vocations and build purposeful, meaningful lives — not by chance, but by design. On Purpose.